EPA has released a white paper, scheduled stakeholder meetings, and is taking comments on proposed options for the 1-hour SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) implementation.
EPA is seeking additional input from states, tribes, and other interested parties to refine its approach for implementing the SO2 standard, and has released a final version of a white paper detailing options for implementation of the 1-hour SO2standard. EPA expects this white paper to form the basis for discussion at upcoming meetings with stakeholders to discuss implementation of the SO2 standard.
EPA Schedule for Stakeholder Discussions:
• Session 1: Environmental and Public Health Organization Representatives May 30, 2012, Washington, DC
• Session 2: State and Tribal Representatives May 31, 2012, Research Triangle Park, NC
• Session 3: Industry Representatives June 1, 2012, Research Triangle Park, NC
EPA will also accept written comments on the white paper until June 22, and has established a docket for receiving comments.
More info about these meetings, whitepaper, and how to submit comments to the docket can be found at: http://www.epa.gov/airquality/sulfurdioxide/implement.html