Up to $7,500 in free home repairs

Infrastructure improvements and a program that can help homeowners get up to $7,500 worth of repairs done to their homes for free will be on the agenda of Saturday’s Union Mill Village Neighborhood Meeting.

The meeting, which is being sponsored by the City of Union, will be held at 3 p.m. at McBeth Baptist Church, 105 Lawson Avenue. The purpose of the meeting is to inform mill village area residents of the city’s plans for improvements to their community. The meeting will also provide residents with information on a program that can provide homeowners in the mill village who meet federal income guidelines with free home repairs.

Robby Moody, senior planner for Catawba Regional Council of Governments, will be on hand to answer residents’ questions. He said the city’s plans include an ongoing program of infrastructure improvements in the community including upgrading sewage and drainage as well as water line improvements.

Moody said there will also be forms available for homeowners interested in applying for a program that provides up to $7,500 worth of exterior repairs to the houses of applicants who qualify based on household and size and income.

By Charles Warner, Reporting for The Union Daily Times