The Clemson Extension Agribusiness Team is partnering on an event aimed at offering a plethora of resources and programming to help South Carolina farmers succeed.
Centrally located in the state’s capital, the 2019 S.C. Farmer Resource Rodeo is set for 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 7, at the River Center at Saluda Shoals, 5605 Bush River Road, Columbia.
State farmers will have the opportunity to have questions answered by local, state and federal program representatives, meet local resource providers and establish working relationships, and network with other growers and farm entrepreneurs.
“Attendees will learn about the resources and programs available to provide technical, financial and educational assistance to South Carolina farmers,” agribusiness Extension agent Will Culler said. “More than 30 agencies and organizations are expected to participate in this roundup of expertise, including several first-time Resource Rodeoers. Attendees will also have an opportunity to network with representatives and learn about program details and availability.”
General admission ($25) includes lunch and program materials. Those interested may register online or RSVP to Charlie Fisher at 803-576-2080. Space is limited; register by Jan. 31 to guarantee attendance.
The event is hosted and presented by members of the Midlands Local Food Collaborative and supported by Clemson Cooperative Extension’s S.C. New and Beginning Farmer Program. The program counts towards core attendance requirements for current participants. Registration is free only for those on the official 2019 class roster of the New and Beginning Farmer Program.
Material for the program is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2016-70017-25351.
Participating resource providers include:
- AgSouth Farm Credit
- Arbor One Farm Credit
- Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
- Catawba Regional Council of Governments
- Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation
- Clemson Extension Agribusiness Team
- Clemson Food2Market
- Clemson Organic Certification Program
- Clemson Sustainable Agriculture Program
- Don’t Waste Food S.C.
- Greenville Technical College
- Lowcountry Local First
- Organic Growers S.C.hool
- Rural Resource Coalition
- S.C. Association of Conservation Districts
- S.C. Beekeepers Association
- S.C. Cattlemen’s Association
- S.C. Community Loan Fund
- S.C. Farm Bureau Federation
- S.C. Farm to S.C.hool – Institution
- S.C. Forage and Grazing Lands Coalition
- S.C. Forestry Commission
- S.C. Land Trust Network
- S.C. Sheep Industries Association
- S.C. Specialty Crop Growers Association
- S.C. Department of Agriculture – Produce Safety
- S.C. Department of Agriculture – Good Agricultural Practices
- S.C. Department of Agriculture – ACRE Program
- S.C. Small Business Development Center
- S.C. State University
- US Department of Labor
- USDA-Farm Service Agency
- USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
The event is made possible by financial sponsorships from ArborOne Farm Credit, AgSouth Farm Credit, S.C. Farm Bureau, Catawba Regional Council of Governments, S.C. Department of Agriculture, S.C. Association of Conservation Districts, S.C. Forage and Grazing Lands Coalition, S.C. State University and Clemson University.
By Steven Bradley, Clemson Media Relations