“Transforming SC Community Liabilities into Valued Community Assets One Site at a Time…”
The South Carolina Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (BCRLF) is available to finance environmental cleanup and removal activities at brownfields sites across the state. Loan funds are available to non-profit, governmental, and private for-profit borrowers at a below market interest rate. Non-profit and governmental borrowers are also eligible to receive loan forgiveness of up to 30% of the loan, to a maximum of $200,000. South Carolina brownfields are most commonly abandoned factories, mills, gas stations, or landfills.
The BCRLF is funded by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC). CRCOG serves as the fund manager for the BCRLF program.
General loan terms:
- 1 year interest only, 10 year repayment
- 1% interest rate,
- 30% loan forgiveness, up to $200,000 for non-profits and governmental
- Loans secured by non-project collateral
- Borrower’s financial and repayment capacity assessed
BCRLF Presentation
Contact Us Today to explore how to best utilize BCRLF funds for cleanup and redevelopment opportunities!
Brownfields RLF Team
Harold Shapiro, Brownfields Consultant
Tyler Lewis, Program and Lending Officer