Community Input needed on Union County Transit Needs

Union County, in cooperation with the City of Union and the towns of Carlisle, Jonesville, and Lockhart, received South Carolina State Mass Transit Funds from the South Carolina Department of Transportation to conduct a Transit Feasibility Study. The outcomes of the study will show public need and benefit, likely users, analysis of possible alternatives, and a recommendation on the best alternative for Union County’s public transit needs.  As a part of community outreach, surveys are being distributed and made available for residents to share their ideas on public transit needs and its possibilities.  Approximately 2,000 residents have received mailed paper surveys in early March and are encouraged to complete and return the surveys in envelopes provided no later than March 23, 2016.  People interested in sharing ideas for public transit are encouraged to complete a survey, which are available at the Union County Courthouse and Union County Workforce Development.  Residents will have other opportunities to complete surveys provided through local agencies, industries, and universities and colleges.  Interested residents will have other means to provide citizen input during the project through community forums and meetings. Transmarter and Associates is preparing the study which will determine how to proceed with public transit including jobs and job related training transportation as well as general rural public transit opportunities.

Survey link: Union County Transit Stakeholder Survey

For More Information, Contact: Consultant Team or Catawba Regional Council of Governments

Lamar Tisdale, Transmarter and Associates, 803.290.0562

Tom Whitney, PhD, Transmarter and Associates, 803.603.2492

Kara W. Drane, AICP, Catawba Regional Council of Governments 803.327.9041