Economic growth and industrial expansion often go hand in hand and Union County Council is doing its part to help facilitate that growth by approving two ordinances supporting such expansions.
Property Transfer
Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve first reading of an ordinance “authorizing the sale and conveyance” of property owned by Union County to KG Plus, LLC. Hart said that the transfer was requested by KG Plus, LLC because the facility has already been expanded to the limits of the property and more space is needed.
Supervisor Frank Hart said the ordinance is designed to facilitate the ongoing expansion of the spec building in Union Commerce Park by allowing KG Plus, LLC to add square footage to the existing building.
Council voted unanimously in September 2016 to sell the spec building to Agracel Inc. of Effingham, Illinois for $1,528,890 with the county clearing $69,414.44 from the sale.
When the sale of the spec building was announced earlier that year, Hart said that it is part of the county’s strategy of getting the site ready for industrial development. Agracel, which was founded in 1986, specializes in up-fitting buildings for manufacturing and has developed over 12 million square feet of industrial space in 17 states.
At the time of the sale, the site, which is located at 2 LSP Drive in the Union Commerce Park off US 176, included the 60,000 square foot building itself, an adjacent 60,000 square-foot building pad, and an additional 45,000 square feet of open land. The pad and the additional land are there to accommodate any potential industrial expansion that may occur.
When it was sold, the property had all the necessary utilities including power, water, sewer, and gas for industrial development and ready access to US 176. The building itself, however, was an empty shell with a dirt floor which Hart said made it easier for Agracel to develop the facility as it saw fit.
Industrial Park Expansion
In other business, council also voted unanimously to approve second reading of an ordinance amending an agreement entered into by Union County and Spartanburg County in 1994 to facilitate the development of a multi-county industrial park known as the “Wingo Industrial Park” located in Spartanburg County.
The ordinance states that the park agreement between the two counties “contemplates the expansion of the Park by inclusion of additional parcels within the park from time to time, pursuant to ordinances of the county councils of Spartanburg County and Union County.”
The ordinance further states that the counties “now desire to amend the Park Agreement to expand the Park to include certain parcels in Spartanburg County as additional parcels in Park.”
A description of the property included in the ordinance states that the property to be added to Wingo Industrial Park through the expansion totals 30.5248 acres.
By Charles Warner, Staff Reporter with The Union Times