Below are some updates on CDBG grants taking place in our region.
Project Name: Bike Trail Improvements
Grantee: City of York
PRT #: P28052100821
Total Project Cost: $125,000
PRT Funds: $100,000
City of York: $25,000
Beneficiaries: The residents of the City of York. 321 trail users anticipated per week.
Project Description: The proposed project seeks funding to implement safety improvements and amenities for the existing Bike Trail and Bike Trail Connector as recommended in the 2016 York Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure Study. Proposed amenities would include the installation of a bike rack, two informational kiosks, and a bike repair station as recommended in the Bike Study.
Project Name: Water Meter Valve Vault Replacement Project
Grantee: City of Lancaster
CDBG #: 4-CI-21-013
Total Project Cost: $501,940
CDBG Funds: $416,940
City of Lancaster: $85,000
Beneficiaries: 13,228 persons living in the City of Lancaster and the part of Lancaster County served by the water meter valve vault, 8,402 of whom are low and moderate income.
Project Description: The project includes replace the deteriorating and undersized water
meter valve vault that serves all water customers in the City of Lancaster and a portion of Lancaster County.
Project Name: Willow Oaks Water Upgrade Project
Grantee: Town of Clover
CDBG #: 4-CI-21-004
Total Project Cost: $326,975
CDBG Funds: $288,443
Town of Clover: $38,532
Beneficiaries: 102 persons living in the Willow Oaks Apartment Complex, 100% of whom are low and moderate income.
Project Description: The project includes upgrading water laterals from the main line to
the meter, installing meters, and adding 5 fire hydrants to serve 48 residential units in the Willow Oaks Apartment Complex. This complex is owned and managed by the Clover Housing Authority and all 48 units are occupied by low and moderate income persons.
Project Name: Carlisle/Union Regional Sewer Extension
Grantee: Town of Carlisle
CDBG #: 4-CI-21-002
RIA #: R-21-4017
Total Project Cost: $6,580,000
CDBG Funds: $3,000,000
RIA Funds: $2,000,000
Union County: $580,000
Beneficiaries: The 360 residents of the Town of Carlisle, 230 of whom are low and moderate income.
Project Description: The project will extend sewer service to connect the Town of Carlisle to the City of Union’s wastewater system. Approximately 60,000 LF of forcemain and two pump stations need to be installed to allow for pumping the Town of Carlisle wastewater to the City of Union’s Tosch Creek WWTP because the new owner of the current WWTP, located at the former Carlisle Finishing Plant, has no need of the WWTP and plans to close it as soon as possible.
Project Name: Medical Sciences Drive Regional Wastewater Project – Phase I
Grantee: City of Union
RIA #: R-21-3046
Total Project Cost: $1,926,200
RIA Funds: $857,750
City of Union: $185,700
Beneficiaries: 4,800 residential and 57 business customers.
Project Description: The project includes installing 5,020 LF of 24″ gravity sewer to replace the 12″ gravity sewer, 32 manholes, and associated appurtenances from Medical Sciences Drive to SC Hwy 215.