Following is a list of the Community Development Block Grants awarded in September 2020 that were prepared by Catawba Regional Council of Governments:
Project Name: Dawson Drive Sewer Upgrade Project
Grantee: Chester County
Total Project Cost: $773,000
CDBG Funds: $674,000
Chester County Wastewater Recovery: $99,000
Beneficiaries: 166 persons, 110 (66.3%) of whom are low and moderate income.
Project Description: The project will consist of the construction of approximately 1,300 linear feet of 10-inch sewer line, to include 100 linear feet of boring under the railroad and 100 linear feet of boring under Dawson Drive. Also included is the installation of 5 manholes. This will replace a 100-year-old concrete sewer line that serves the Dawson Drive Neighborhood.
Project Name: Williams Estate Sewer Improvements Project
Grantee: City of Lancaster and Lancaster County
Total Project Cost: $1,250,000
CDBG Funds: $750,000
City of Lancaster: $500,000
Beneficiaries: 408 persons, 346 (84.8%) of whom are low and moderate income.
Project Description: The proposed sewer upgrades are in the City of Lancaster’s Sewer Sub-Basin 19, which includes portions of Williams Estate Drive, Elmwood Avenue, Yancey Street, Brooklyn Avenue and Old Woodlawn Avenue. The improvements will consist of approximately 8,307 linear feet of cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) gravity sewer lining, 83 point repairs and replacement of 2,189 linear feet of 8” sewer line. Eleven manholes will be rehabilitated and sewer laterals will be reinstated.
Project Name: Carlisle Pump Station Upgrades Project
Grantee: Town of Carlisle
Total Project Cost: $1,261,750
CDBG Funds: $731,750
RIA Funds: $500,000
Union County: $30,000
Beneficiaries: 360 persons, 230 (63.9%) of whom are low and moderate income.
Project Description: Upgrade of the Town of Carlisle’s 7 pump stations to bring them up to current standards. All 7 are experiencing varying degrees of deterioration due to age and need to be upgraded.
Project Name: Lockhart Drive Water Improvements Project
Grantee: Town of Lockhart
Total Project Cost: $1,394,595
CDBG Funds: $874,595
RIA Funds: $500,000
Town of Lockhart: $20,000
Beneficiaries: 545 persons, 315 (57.8%) of whom are low and moderate income.
Project Description: Upgrade of the water line on Lockhart Drive, between South 7th Street and Canal Road. Project includes 2,550 LF 8” Ductile Iron water lines; 800 LF 6”, 4” & 2” water lines; 34 valves; 6 fire hydrants; 20 service re-connections; and pavement replacement.