A Free Lunch & Learn Series about HR and Employment Practices
What is the HR Café?
It is an opportunity for HR professionals and managers to learn and update their knowledge of the ever-changing “mine-fields” of today’s employment regulations and legal requirements for employers.
Who should come to the HR Café?
The Café serves all customers—small to large businesses (HR professionals, plant and/or operations managers, supervisors, and others that hire and manage employees) can benefit from these sessions.
Joanie Winters, a local Employment Law attorney, is leading the series for the SC Works Catawba . Joanie practices out of her office in Chester, SC. She also teaches at Winthrop University and is a member of the Catawba Workforce Investment Board.
The first course of the series, You’re Hired!, was offered in October, 2012 to area businesses—both small and
large. The success of the first session prompted a repeat session in January. The HR Café then went on the road in February to Lancaster County businesses. In March, another session, The Stuff No One Tells You, was held in York County. It gave employers a comprehensive guide to new hire documentation requirements and proper employee filing requirements.
Future HR Café sessions are planned as follows so mark your calendars:
John Did What? Documenting employee performance for motivation and for litigation.
- York County Session – May 22, 2013
- Lancaster County Session – June 18, 2013
The ABC’s of Employment Laws, Part I — All you ever needed to know but perhaps did not really want
to know about employment laws, how they affect your business and what to do to stay compliant.
- York County Session – July 16, 2013
- Lancaster County Session – August 20, 2013
The ABC’s of Employment Laws, Part II— Part II of the above session.
- York County Session – September 17, 2013
- Lancaster County Session – October 15, 2013
YOU’RE FIRED! – Conducting a legal and safe termination, with proper documentation and presentation
to protect your business.
- York County Session – November 19, 2013
- Lancaster County Session – December 17, 2013
The York County HR Café series is being held at the City of Rock Hill Operations Center on Anderson Road. A similar Café series schedule is being arranged for Lancaster County as well. For more information and registration to attend these sessions, please contact Ann Skar at askar@scworks.org or 803-817-5064 or Reid Baker at rbaker@catawbacog.org or 803-327-9041.