Lancaster County received a Community Development Block Grant to upgrade the water system in the Westwood subdivision, which is located in the county, outside the City of Lancaster. The 62 residences in the area are currently served by 2-inch water lines. These lines are leaking and inadequate to provide enough pressure for fire protection.
Lancaster County awarded a contract to Advanced Development Concepts, LLC to construct approximately 2,930 linear feet of 4-inch water line, 3,180 linear feet of 6-inch water line, 6 fire hydrants and the reconnection of 62 residences to the main water line. Once the water line construction is completed, Lancaster County will take bids to make street improvements in the neighborhood.
The total project cost is $531,586, which includes $378,129 for water line construction, $24,750 for water service reconnections, $89,410 for engineering and $39,297 for administration. Of the total amount, $432,276 is being provided by the Community Development Block Grant funds and $99,310 is being provided by local funds.