SCDOT wants to advise everyone that the JARC and New Freedom funding Announcements are available on the SCDOT website. The deadline for applying for these funds is September 19, 2011. Please read the “Role of Applicant” section for special instructions regarding projects that may have been partially or not funded during the April 21, 2011, approvals.
There are NO state funds available to match the JARC or New Freedom programs. You must certify that you have local match (not in-kind) to match these programs. For your convenience we have created a “Local Match Certification” form. This form is also located on our website under our forms section. One form is required per project. No awards will be made without certification of local match.
Available funds for these programs include funds from federal fiscal years 2010 and 2011 and projects have the option of being funded as a multiple year project. Go to SCDOT’s website for more information.
Click here to view Funding Announcement.