The Union County 2017 Transit Feasibility Study is being financed with funds awarded the county by the the South Carolina Department of Transportation. The study includes evaluating transit needs, considering alternatives, and recommending an implementation plan if a transit program is determined to be viable. It will also deal with jobs and job-related training transportation, rural public transit opportunities, and applicable transit funding possibilities and requirements.
The study was announced at the end of November by the Catawba Regional Council of Governments in a press release that included a statement by Union County Supervisor Frank Hart asking the residents of Union County to fill out a survey on the proposal. Persons interested in weighing in on the subject could do so by filling out a paper copy of the survey at the Union County Courthouse or could do an online version at
Paper copies of the survey are also available at the Union Chamber of Commerce and the SCWorks Union office. There is also now another online for Union County residents wanting to take party in the survey.
On Tuesday, the Catawba Regional Council of Governments announced the following direct link to the online survey:
The survey — which is being conducted through December — asks for the following information:
1. Gender
• Male
• Female
2. Age
• Less than 16
• 17-25
• 26-35
• 36-55
• 56-65
• Over 65
3. Language
• English
• Spanish
• Other (please specify)
4. Do you have reliable transportation to get you where you need to go? If your answer is NO, please skip Question 5.
• Yes
• No
5. If your answer is YES, choose your most reliable source of transportation.
• Own a vehicle
• Family member
• Bike
• Walk
• Volunteer driver
• Other (please specify)
6. If Public Transportation is available, I would use it to go to: (choose those that are applicable)
• Work
• Medical Appointments
• Government Services
• Grocery Shopping
• Shopping
• School
• Community College
• Church
• Home
• Recreation
7. I live in:
• City of Union
• Jonesville
• Carlisle
• Lockhart
• Other (please specify)
8. My primary destinations are: (list THREE (3) destinations with 1 being the most important) [provide exact name of the destinations]
• Destination 1
• Destination 2
• Destination 3
9. On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), please rate the need for a public transportation system in Union County.
1 2 3 4 5
10. How much would you be willing to pay for a one-way trip on a transit vehicle?
• $1-$2
• $2-$3
• $3-$4
• $4 +
• Unsure
The transit study is being conducted on behalf of Union County and Catawba Regional Council of Governments by AECOM Technical Services of SC. A Transit Feasibility Study Steering Committee composed of representatives from service agencies, local organizations, businesses, and industries is also assisting with the transit study. The study will be completed in 2018.