Grants Update

Applicant: City of Tega Cay

Grant Amount: $500,000

Grant Source: SC Rural Infrastructure Authority Basic Infrastructure

Use of Funds: The City of Tega Cay Water Tank Project consisted of the construction of a 500,000 elevated water storage tank that brought the Tega Cay water system in compliance with SCDHEC water storage requirements. This third water tank is crucial to serve the new residences and business developments. The tank increased the volume and pressure required to provide adequate water supply and fire protection and eliminated the need for the City to impose tap restrictions for new customers and usage limits on existing customers during peak use times.

Total Project Cost: The total project cost was $1,466,533. The RIA funds represented 34 percent of the total project cost. Of the total project cost, $500,000 was covered with RIA funds, and $966,533 was covered with City of Tega Cay funds.

Project Beneficiaries: The project beneficiaries will be 1,826 residential and 7 business customers of the Tega Cay water services.


Applicant: Town of Fort Mill

Grant Amount: $500,000

Grant Source: SC Rural Infrastructure Authority Basic Infrastructure

Use of Funds: A 1,000,000 gallon elevated water tank was constructed to provide the Town of Fort Mill with adequate water storage for fire protection and operation, which meets DHEC regulations. Also included was the construction of 3,040 linear feet of 16-inch water line to connect the water tank to an existing 20-inch water line. There is now adequate flow and pressure required to provide service to the 2,275 residential and 100 business (94 commercial & 6 schools) customers. This water tank is crucial for future residential and commercial growth in the major area of Town and the Kingsley Development, which has continued to expand.

Total Project Cost: The total project cost was $4,028,468 The RIA funds represented 12 percent of the total project cost. Of the total project cost, $500,000 was covered with RIA funds, and $3,528,468 was covered with Town of Fort Mill funds.

Project Beneficiaries: The project beneficiaries will be 2,275 residential, 94 commercial, and 6 school customers of the Fort Mill water services.


Applicant: City of York

Grant Amount: $355,000

Grant Source: SC Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Land and Water Conservation Program

Use of Funds: The York City Park, on Raile Street, was originally developed in the 1940s and has changed a number of times to accommodate the needs of the citizens. A total renovation of the park was needed. Redevelopment of the entire included parking, a walking trail, a community garden area, a traditional playground, a lawn area, a splash pad, a rain garden, two picnic shelters, and an area for public gathering and small performances.

Total Project Cost: The total construction cost was $804,904. The LWCF amount was $355,000 (44%) and the City of York provided the remaining $449,904 (56%). In addition, there was $101,768 spent for the picnic shelters, which was covered with SC Parks and Recreation Development Funds.

Project Beneficiaries: The project beneficiaries will be the 7,765 residents of the City of York, 4,730 (60.9%) of whom are low and moderate income.