Job Endurance Training (JET) was born out of a request from the Strategic Planning Committee of the Catawba Regional Council of Governments Workforce Development Board (WDB). After talking with Catawba-region employers and reviewing various surveys, it was clear that employers needed job seekers with employ ability skills, more commonly referred to as soft skills.
In preparation for designing a program, research was conducted to determine what constitutes a soft skills gap, what training was most needed, and the variety of training delivery methods.
Taking into consideration that there are five generations in the workforce, fewer life skills classes taught in public schools today and major technology advances in work places, the training had to meet many demands and still be relevant.
Collaboration between all entities produced the following list of employ ability skills needed for the Catawba region of South Carolina: Communication, Integrity, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution and Time Management.
JET sessions are 12 hours total and are generally done 4 hours per day for 3 days but be customized as needed for individual group needs.
Program developers purposefully designed JET to engage anyone from age 16 to retirement. The educational delivery methods include group discussions, workplace simulations, technology-based learning, interactive multi-media, coaching and mentoring.
Other aspects of the program involve creating or updating a resume, mock interviewing and assembling a portfolio of work to include certifications and licenses. All JET participants receive a certificate to place in their portfolio.