The Community Development Planning staff recently submitted a grant application for the Town of Great Falls to the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority to request funding to replace 5,540 linear feet seventy-year-old main sewer trunk line. The total project cost is $392,800 and grant award announcements will take place in June 2015. Staff is currently assembling Community Development Block Grant applications for Lancaster County and the City of Lancaster. The county’s project involves lining existing sewer lines with the cured-in-place method in the Erwin Farms neighborhood for a total project cost of $891,780. The city’s project, West Arch Street (Basin 17) Sewer Upgrade, also involves lining existing sewer lines with a total project cost of $829,455. These grant applications are due April 13, 2015 to the SC Department of Commerce with grant award announcements to be made in July 2015.