Public Comment Sought for 2012 Transportation Enhancement Program Allocation
The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is seeking comment from the public on proposed allocations of the 2012 Transportation Enhancement Program funding. The Transportation Enhancement Program is a federally funded program that SCDOT administers and provides local governments the opportunity to pursue non-traditional transportation related activities such as pedestrian facilities, bicycle facilities, landscaping, and street-scaping.
A total of $17,000,000 has been identified for the Transportation Enhancement Program for Fiscal Year 2012. Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), the Rural Program, and the statewide Sidewalk/ADA Ramps Program would each receive $4,000,000. An allocation of $2,000,000is proposed for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.
Comments will be accepted until December 23, 2011.
Public Comment Sought for Revised 2012 Federal-Aid Funding Plan
The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is seeking comment from the public on a revision to the 2012 Federal-Aid Funding Plan. The funding plan is based on anticipated federal appropriations and reflects planned budget allocations to various programs.
Based on congressional budget actions to date for federal transportation funding, the revised funding plan anticipates a moderate reduction in the Federal-Aid Program from an initial estimate of $651 million to $633 million for Fiscal Year 2012. In response, changes to the funding plan include a reduced allocation for the Federal Match Program resulting from unused funds, as well as reduced debt service for the Interstate Program. The changes do not impact programmed projects.
Comments will be accepted until December 23, 2011.
For more information or to submit comments, please click here.